The World Without Electricity; Sign of The Judgement Day

Freepik: jennoon028-photo light bulb lit between many lights It's about my prediction of less electricity. To live in a steading somewhere, equipped with a reliable well, vegetable patch, fireplace, maybe a wood-fired Aga. Taking away electricity means rethinking your entire day and planning how you can function without the means of simply plugging something in. No electricity results in a complete loss of normality. We are exploring alternative energy sources, living off the grid and how life with no electricity impacts us, to make you think, could you live without electricity? Electricity: How Long Could We Survive Without It? Electricity and digitalization are changing the way we live. There are lots of things that society could get along without. More automated than ever before with internet-instant communication, devices, robotics making the effects of power failure far greater and may even have artificial intelligence to support functionality. What would life be like without ...